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Chinese translation for "reduced iron"


Related Translations:
reduce volatility:  减少波动
reducing provisions:  冲减准备金
asthma reducing:  平喘的
reduced frequency:  换算频率,折合频率简约频率减缩频率约化频率
reduced unit:  换算单位折合单位
gear reducing:  齿轮减速
reduced pressure:  对比压力对比压强减压降压换算压力下降的压力折算压力
sugars reducing:  还原糖
reduced turbidity:  比浓浊江比浊度对比浓浊度
improved reduce:  高等缩小术缩小术
Example Sentences:
1.Iron ore and direct reduced iron - vocabulary
2.Reduced iron powders for powder metallurgy
3.Direct reduced iron . determination of metallic iron content . brimine - methanol titrimetric method
4.Direct reduced iron - determination of metallic iron content - bromide - methanol titrimetric method
5.Direct reduced iron - determination of carbon and or sulfur - high - frequency combustion method with infrared measurement
6.Under aerobic condition the changes of kd values are not evident when the magnetite and bentonite are added into granite ; while the kd values of tc on the granite mixed with reduced iron powder increase drastically
在大气条件下,花岗岩中分别加入fe3o4和膨润土, kd值变化不明显;加入还原铁粉, kd值升高。
7.Once your breastfed baby is eating foods containing iron on a regular basis , then it ' s important to ensure that he is eating enough foods naturally high in iron to compensate for the reduced iron intake from breastmilk
8.Influences of ph values , ferrous minerals ( reduced iron powder or magnetite ) , bentonite , concentration of cations and anion ( fe3 + , fe2 + and co32 - ) on the distribution coefficient , kd , were studied . the sorption mechanism of 99tc on granite was discussed by the desorption method of adding h2o2 into desorption solvent . based on the diffusion coefficient measured and the solution of the diffusion equation , the distance of tc diffusion after ten thousand years was predicted
本文分别在大气和低氧条件下,研究了tc在花岗岩上的吸附和扩散,包括溶液的ph 、含铁矿物(还原铁粉、 fe3o4 ) 、膨润土、阴阳离子的浓度( co32 - 、 fe3 + 、 fe2 + )对tc在花岗岩(石英、黑云母)上吸附kd值的影响;在解吸剂中加入h2o2 ,对tc进行解吸,探讨了其吸附的机理;将扩散系数代入扩散方程的解析解,预测了10000年后, tc扩散的距离。
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